Australian Counting Money Math Center Games {Coins & Notes}
Our Counting Money Math Centre Games are just what your kids need for practising counting and making equivalent amounts of Australian Money! With 24 Money Monster Games, your kids will find Counting Collections of coins or notes a breeze!
In this post, we’ll share with you our top teaching tips for teaching kids to count collections of Australian money, coins and notes using skip-counting Strategies.
We’ve also got a stack of hands-on motivating Australian Money Printables to make your next math lesson totally Ah-mazing and jammed-packed with learning goodness.
Teaching students to count small collections of Australian Money is introduced in the curriculum when kids are confident at recognising and identifying different coins.
Once they can recognise the different features and values of coins it’s time to teach them about counting small collections and making equivalent amounts.
Teaching these concepts needs lots of practice at counting and handling money… and then some!
So crack open the toy money and print these SUPER fun Money Monster Games and get started!
Skip Counting Money
Teaching kids about counting coins is really about teaching them the process of mental repeated addition or skip counting.
When counting money you’re not finding out how many of something there is. You’re actually adding two or more quantities together, on the fly, in your head.
This counting process requires the counter to use repeated addition understandings, and skip counting number sequence patterns, to find out How MUCH or the Value of the money in the collection.
So it’s going to follow that the kids who don’t understand skip counting or can’t do mental repeated addition, will find counting coins tricky too!
Teaching Kids To Count Money
Teaching kids to count money is a precursor skill to understanding coin & note equivalence. Teaching kids to count money needs to be broken down into activities that allow them to:
- Count like coins or like notes
- Count mixed coins
- Count mixed coins and notes
To be successful at the counting money strategy your students need to be able to:
- Recognise the coins or what they are counting – (Related Post: Coin Recognition activities are here)
- Physically sort & organise coins for counting
- Count the coins accurately
- Calculate the total of the count correctly
in all 3 situations.
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Money - Coins

Money - Giving Change
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