Australian Money Printables, Games & Worksheets {Notes}
Are you looking for fun and engaging ways to teach your primary school students about Australian Money? Look no further! We have a collection of fantastic Australian Money printables, games, and worksheets to make learning about money a breeze.
First, let’s take a look at the Australian Curriculum for teaching money. According to the Mathematics curriculum, students in years 1-4 should be able to identify and describe the value of coins and notes and represent money values in multiple ways. In years 5-6, students should be able to solve problems involving the calculation of change and use estimation and rounding to check the reasonableness of answers.
Teaching kids about money can be tricky, as it involves many abstract concepts that can be difficult to grasp. Here are some common difficulties that students may face:
- Understanding the value of coins and notes.
- Giving change and calculating the total value of a set of coins or notes.
- Using estimation and rounding to check answers.
- Understanding the concept of income and expenses.
- Budgeting and managing money.
Fortunately, there are many fun and hands-on activities you can use to help your students understand these concepts. Here are some of our favourites:
- Set up a classroom shop: Create a pretend shop in your classroom and give your students fake money to buy and sell items.
- Make a money collage: Have your students cut out pictures of items they would like to buy and glue them onto a poster. Then, have them calculate the total cost of the items using Australian Money.
- Play store: Have your students take turns being the store owner and the customer. They can use Australian Money to buy and sell items.
- Counting coins: Provide your students with a set of coins and ask them to count the total value.
- Create a budget: Have your students plan a shopping trip and create a budget for the items they want to buy.
Our Australian Money printables, games, and worksheets can also be a great resource to use in your classroom. Here are some examples of what you will find:
- Money Match: A game where students match coins and notes to their corresponding value.
- Coin Bingo: A fun way for students to practice identifying the value of coins.
- Money Word Problems: A set of word problems that require students to use their knowledge of Australian Money to solve.
- Money Chart: A chart that displays the value of Australian coins and notes.
So teaching kids about Australian Money can be challenging, but with the right resources and activities, it can be a fun and engaging learning experience for everyone. Make sure to check out our collection of Australian Money printables, games, and worksheets to get started!
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Money Printables

Money - Coins

Money - Counting Coins & Notes

Money - Giving Change
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