Think Board Math Templates
Math Manipulatives
Think Board Math Templates are the perfect tool for teaching numeracy and getting kids to love learning math. Try them with any age group and for any topic, we promise your kids will love them!
Think Board Math Templates
Think boards are visual learning tools that can be used to find out the depth of your student’s understanding of any concept. They can be used across the curriculum and can be quickly differentiated to meet student needs.
They can all be used at the various stages of the teaching-learning & assessment process, including:
- Identifying Prior Knowledge
- Introducing a topic
- Teaching a topic
- Independent Learning
- Study and revision
- Post Assessment
Benefits Of Math Thinkboards
We especially love using thinkboard templates in our math class and our kids love using them too!
They really help kids feel ‘smarter’ at math because they are not answer-centred and give students the chance to demonstrate how much they know, and what they need to learn next about a concept.
They are perfect for developing, exploring and practising a wide range of mathematical skills including:
- visualizing
- classifying
- organizing
- grouping
- sorting
Thinkboards are useful tools for teachers. They can be used to easily differentiate tasks and are a great assessment and grading tool. Win-Win!
Here’s why they are our go-to tool for teaching numeracy:
- Great for developing vocabulary and math language.
- Easy to differentiate student needs.
- Open-ended Tasks.
- Perfect for groups, partner work and individuals.
- Provide higher-order thinking opportunities.
- Identify areas of misunderstanding.
- Hands-on and fun.
- Improves levels of success for students!
Related Post: How To Make Kids Feel Smarter With Frayer Model Think Boards
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Problem Solving Think Boards
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