Free Special Celebration Resources
Free Printables
Are you on the hunt for free resources to help teach your students about special celebrations extraordinary? Look no further because we’ve got a delightful collection of free special celebration resources that will add a touch of magic and sparkle to those special days of the year!
Our treasure trove of Free Special Day Resources is filled with everything you need to make Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween, and more, easier to teach. From creative crafts and heartwarming cards to engaging activities and festive decorations, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to create magical moments and celebrate these special days in style!
We understand that as a teacher, you have a lot on your plate, and finding resources for special days can sometimes be time-consuming and costly. That’s why we’re thrilled to offer you our Free Special Day Resources. Say goodbye to spending hours searching for ideas and spending a fortune on supplies. Our free resources are here to save the day and make these celebrations memorable without breaking the bank.
Getting your hands on these fantastic resources is as easy as ABC. Simply sign up for a free membership account, and you’ll unlock a world of delightful freebies. It’s like having a secret stash of celebration treasures at your fingertips, ready to make each special day a cherished memory for your students.
But wait, there’s more! We’ve made it super simple for you to save and organize your favourite resources. Just click the heart icon on the resources you love, and voila! They’re instantly bookmarked for future reference. When the time comes to download and use your special day treasures, log in and head over to your Favourites page, by clicking the heart next to the “Account Button” in the top nav bar, and they’ll be waiting for you, like loyal celebration companions.
Resources listed in this collection
Click to jump to...Free Valentine's Day Resources
Free St. Patrick's Day Resources
Free Father's Day Resources
Free Mother''s Day Resources
Free Easter Resources
Free Halloween Resources
Free Christmas Resources
Free Back To School Resources
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More Celebrations & Special Day Classroom Activities

Easter Maths - Multiplication Facts

Christmas - December

Halloween - October

NAIDOC Week - July


Leap Year / Day Activities

Valentine's Day Classroom Activities

Mothers Day Teapot Card

Father's Day Superhero Card

Mothers Day "Things I Love... " Flower Card

St Patrick's Day

Fathers Day No.1 Dad Card
Can't find what you're looking for?
Send us a request! Use this form to request a resource. Please give details of the learning area, topic, year level, curriculum links. We’ll be happy to take a look to see if we can fit it in. Unfortunately a request does not guarantee we will be able to make it!
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