Year 2 Math Vocabulary Printables
Number Sense
Try These Year 2 Math Vocabulary Printables to increase student mathematical understanding and achievement levels. Posters, Printables & Digital Word search for Online or face-to-face learning.
There’s a ton of research out there to support the need to build and expand students’ math vocabulary. In this blog post, we’ll share it and the Math Vocabulary Resources you need to get started today!
Researchers have found that spending time in your math lessons on building math vocabulary will have a huge impact on student achievement levels, and can even improve results in state testing.
Studies by Swan & Dunstan; Hirsh & Nation highlighted the impact that an extensive vocabulary has, including:
- vocabulary is connected with reading comprehension and is a predictor of students’ comprehension
- Students need to know 90-95% of the words in a text before they can comprehend that text
- Vocabulary needs to be explicitly taught first
- Students from low socioeconomic areas need greater support
- Teaching math vocabulary can help raise student achievement levels
- Students with high vocabulary are better at mathematical reasoning
So it’s pretty clear that including math vocabulary activities is a MUST!
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Year 2 Math Vocabulary Printables
To help you extend student Math vocabulary we created a set of activities, including:
- Printables Math Vocabulary Word Searches
- Classroom Vocabulary Posters
- PowerPoints for Distance Learning, Interactive Whiteboards, Google Slides & I Pads
- Online Math Words Word searches.
As well as building a bank of words the word searches can be used to facilitate “Number Talks” or “Math Chats” about each mathematical concept at the start or end of your lessons.
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EYFS Number & Algebra Vocabulary

EYFS Number & Algebra Vocabulary
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