Unicorn Subitising Activities
Number Sense
Try these Unicorn Subitising Activities if you want to teach EYFS students how to subitise. Download a wide range of hands-on unicorn-themed subitising games, printables, playdough mats, flash cards, craft and more to get your students to “see how many, at a glance without counting!” Perfect for teaching perceptual and conceptual subitising with ease.
We created our unicorn-themed subitising activities and teaching resources to help early childhood students to develop the ability to “see how many in a group, without counting”.
When teaching kids to subitise (subitize), it’s important to encourage them not to count objects in a collection if they are to develop this early number sense skill.
Subitising resources should build students’ abilities in three areas, and not just “seeing at a glance”. Our subitising resources will help you teach all 3 areas including the ability to:
- Recognise the number of items in a small collection without counting
- Use subitising to order groups of objects
- Use subitising to compare collections
Want to know more about How to teach subitising? check out our post: Subitising Teacher Basics in this post you will find the answers to all your questions about teaching subitising:
- Why subitising is important?
- How do you teach subitising?
- What is the difference between perceptual and conceptual subitising?
- Where should your start?
Unicorn Subitising Activities
Below is the A Plus Teacher Club unicorn-themed subitising library. Here you can download a range of engaging and fun resources including flashcards, printables, clip cards, bingo games and more. They are so versatile and can be used with the whole class, in small groups and independently, so they’re excellent for math centres.
All our Subitising resources are DUAL spelling & include subitizing & subitising versions.
Don’t want unicorn-themed subitising teaching resources? See the bottom of the page for links to more subitising activities.
Resources listed in this collection
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More Number Resources

Subitising - Sunflower Seeds

Cutting Activities - Maths

Subitising PowerPoint Games

Subitising Activities

Subitising Activities

Subitising - Dino Theme

Online Perceptual Subitizing Games 1-6

Subitising 1-6 (ten frames)

Subitising 1-6 (dice & ten frames)

Subitising 1-6 Dots

Subitising 1-6 Dice
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