or Controlled Vowel Phonics Activities

Phonics, Spelling, & Grammar Resources

Hey there, fellow educators! Teaching phonics can be quite the wild ride, but it’s all part of the journey of guiding our young learners to decode the magic of reading. Today, we’re putting the spotlight on a tricky character in the phonics universe – the “OR” sound, and we’ve got some fantastic “OR” Controlled Vowel Phonics Activities in store for you! So, don your teaching hats, and let’s venture into the realm of the Bossy R, intriguing “OR” words, and those common challenges that students often encounter.

The “OR” Sound and Bossy R

Alrighty, let’s get down to brass tacks. “OR” is another R-controlled vowel, and it’s a bit like ‘R’ being the boss and dictating terms to the other vowels. It’s got the power to make the vowel in front of it sound a bit different, and that’s where the intrigue (and sometimes the puzzlement) begins.

You’ll find “for,” “more,” and “snore” – these are the “OR” crew. When you’re teaching this sound, make sure to introduce the concept of “Ruler R.” Kids enjoy a bit of flair, so let them know that ‘R’ is like the ruler of the vowel kingdom, making vowels obey its rules.

Related Post: Essential Tips for Teaching R-Controlled Vowels

Common Problems with the “OR” Sound

Now, let’s tackle the challenges students often face with “OR” controlled vowel sounds and how we can smooth out those bumps on the phonics journey.

Pronunciation: Students may stumble over pronouncing “OR” correctly, sometimes sounding like they’re saying “er” or “ar.”

Teaching Tip: Encourage them to practice the tongue-curling-back technique. Introduce tongue diagrams to make it more tangible for them, helping them grasp the correct pronunciation.

Spelling: Mixing up “OR” words with different vowel sounds can be quite perplexing.

Teaching Tip: Create word lists and flashcards that exclusively feature “OR” words. Consistent spelling exercises will assist students in mastering the correct spelling patterns.

Blending: Blending “OR” with other consonants to construct complete words can be akin to solving a puzzle for some.

Teaching Tip: Incorporate word families that showcase “OR” words. Think of words like “fork,” “corn,” and “storm” to make the learning process engaging and akin to a game.

“R” Controlled Vowels Word Lists

Click to see a list of the words in each “R” Controlled Vowel family.

“AR” Word List
arm, art, bark, barn, car, card, cart, chart, far, farm, garden, harp, jar, park, scarf, star, hark, yard, yarn.
“ER” Word List
fern, flower, gerbil, germ, hammer, her, herb, herd, ladder, letter, merge, mermaid, perch, perfume, tiver, serve, spider, water.
“IR” Word ist
bird, birthday, chirp, circle, dirt, fir, first, girl, shirt, skirt, squirrel, squirt, stir, swirl, third, thirteen, twirl.
“OR” Word List
burger, burn, burst, curl, curtain, fur, hurt, lemur, nurse, purple, purse, Saturn, surf, turkey, turn, turnip, turtle, yoghurt.

"or" Controlled Vowel Phonics Activities

R Controlled Vowels - or Write it Mats

R Controlled Vowels - or Write it Mats

Foundation - Year 1 - Year 2 - Sound Patterns - PDF

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R Controlled Vowels - or Playdough Mats

R Controlled Vowels - or Playdough Mats

Foundation - Year 1 - Year 2 - Sound Patterns - PDF

This content is available on our paid plans. Upgrade now to download this resource.
R Controlled Vowels - or Posters

R Controlled Vowels - or Posters

Foundation - Year 1 - Year 2 - Sound Patterns - PDF

This content is available on our paid plans. Upgrade now to download this resource.
R Controlled Vowels - or Spin & Spell

R Controlled Vowels - or Spin & Spell

Foundation - Year 1 - Year 2 - Sound Patterns - PDF

This content is available on our paid plans. Upgrade now to download this resource.
R Controlled Vowels - or Word Builder

R Controlled Vowels - or Word Builder

Foundation - Year 1 - Year 2 - Sound Patterns - PDF

This content is available on our paid plans. Upgrade now to download this resource.
R Controlled Vowels - or Worksheets

R Controlled Vowels - or Worksheets

Foundation - Year 1 - Year 2 - Sound Patterns - PDF

This content is available on our paid plans. Upgrade now to download this resource.

More "R" Controlled Vowels Activities

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