ir Controlled Vowel Phonics Activities

Phonics, Spelling, & Grammar Resources

Ready to add a sprinkle of magic to your phonics lessons? We’ve got a treasure chest of activities for “R-Controlled Vowels” introducing our ir Controlled Vowel Phonics Activities – for those sneaky vowels that like to bend to the “R’s”. Our collection includes printables, games, worksheets, and hands-on activities to keep your first-grade learners engaged and enthusiastic about diving into the world of “R-Controlled Vowels.” And the best part? These R Controlled Vowels Activities for “ir” are a perfect fit for your literacy centres, making teaching a breeze!

But first, let’s unravel the mystery of “R-Controlled Vowels.”

What are “R” Controlled Vowels and Bossy “R”?

“R-Controlled Vowels” are like the chameleons of the phonics world. They are vowels that change their sound when followed by an “R.” In these dynamic duos, the “R” influences the vowel and creates a unique, blended sound. Some teachers like to call these the “Bossy R” words.

The “Bossy R” is a quirky character in the world of phonics and language learning. It’s that sneaky “R” that likes to boss around the vowels, changing their sounds when it’s around. In words like “car,” “fern,” or “stir,” the “Bossy R” influences the vowel right in front of it, giving it a unique twist. This character adds a fun element to phonics lessons and helps students understand how vowel sounds can change when paired with “R.” Learning about the “Bossy R” is like discovering a secret code in the world of words, and it’s an essential concept in understanding the intricacies of the English language.

Here are some classic examples:

  • “AR” as in “car” or “star”
  • “ER” as in “her” or “fern”
  • “IR” as in “bird” or “stir”
  • “OR” as in “fork” or “corn”
  • “UR” as in “fur” or “burn”

Just like consonant blends, “R-Controlled Vowels” bring their own flavour to the phonics party. They’re like the cool kids who stand out, adding a twist to the regular vowel sounds.

Common Problems with the “IR” Sound

Now, let’s tackle the charming hiccups our students often encounter when navigating the “IR” sound.

Now, when you teach “R-Controlled Vowels,” it’s often helpful to introduce them in groups or “families.” For instance, you can group “AR,” “ER,” and “IR” as the “R-Controlled ‘R’ Family,” and “OR” and “UR” as the “R-Controlled ‘O’ Family.” This way, students can see the patterns and similarities between these vowel blends, which makes learning a whole lot easier and way more fun!

  1. Pronunciation Puzzles:
    • Students might stumble over pronouncing “IR,” sometimes saying it as “er” or “ar.”
    • Solution: Encourage them to practice and emphasize the “IR” sound. The key is to get them to play around with the tongue position. A visual aid, like a tongue diagram, can make it all click.
  2. Spelling Shenanigans:
    • Some kids may mix up “IR” words with other vowel sounds, leading to spelling mishaps.
    • Solution: Craft word lists and flashcards dedicated to “IR” words. Regular spelling drills will help them lock in the spelling.
  3. Blending Bumps:
    • Blending “IR” with other consonants to create complete words can be a puzzle for some.
    • Solution: Introduce word families featuring “IR” words. Words like “girl,” “stir,” and “bird” make the whole learning process feel like a fun game.

“R” Controlled Vowels Word Lists

Click to see a list of the words in each “R” Controlled Vowel family.

“AR” Word List
arm, art, bark, barn, car, card, cart, chart, far, farm, garden, harp, jar, park, scarf, star, hark, yard, yarn.
“ER” Word List
fern, flower, gerbil, germ, hammer, her, herb, herd, ladder, letter, merge, mermaid, perch, perfume, tiver, serve, spider, water.
“IR” Word ist
bird, birthday, chirp, circle, dirt, fir, first, girl, shirt, skirt, squirrel, squirt, stir, swirl, third, thirteen, twirl.
“OR” Word List
acorn, coral, cord, cork, corn, fork, horn, horse, morning, north, orca, sports, stork, storm, sword, thorn, torn.
“UR” Word List
burger, burn, burst, curl, curtain, fur, hurt, lemur, nurse, purple, purse, Saturn, surf, turkey, turn, turnip, turtle, yoghurt.

So, there you have it, the lowdown on “R-Controlled Vowels.” With these activities and a dash of phonics fun, you’ll have your students mastering the art of blending with “R” in no time. Happy teaching!

Below you will find our collection of teaching resources for the “IR” controlled Vowel. Click the images to download them!

ir Controlled Vowel Phonics Activities

R Controlled Vowels - ir Posters

R Controlled Vowels - ir Posters

Foundation - Year 1 - Year 2 - Sound Patterns - PDF

This content is available on our paid plans. Upgrade now to download this resource.
R Controlled Vowels - ir Playdough Mats

R Controlled Vowels - ir Playdough Mats

Foundation - Year 1 - Year 2 - Sound Patterns - PDF

This content is available on our paid plans. Upgrade now to download this resource.
R Controlled Vowels - ir Worksheets

R Controlled Vowels - ir Worksheets

Foundation - Year 1 - Year 2 - Sound Patterns - PDF

This content is available on our paid plans. Upgrade now to download this resource.
R Controlled Vowels - ir Word Builder

R Controlled Vowels - ir Word Builder

Foundation - Year 1 - Year 2 - Sound Patterns - PDF

This content is available on our paid plans. Upgrade now to download this resource.
R Controlled Vowels - ir Spin & Spell

R Controlled Vowels - ir Spin & Spell

Foundation - Year 1 - Year 2 - Sound Patterns - PDF

This content is available on our paid plans. Upgrade now to download this resource.
R Controlled Vowels - ir Write it Mats

R Controlled Vowels - ir Write it Mats

Foundation - Year 1 - Year 2 - Sound Patterns - PDF

This content is available on our paid plans. Upgrade now to download this resource.

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