Christmas Playdough Mats
Christmas Resources
Our Christmas Playdough Mats are sure to help you add some Festive Fun into your classroom this December. We’ve got them all; Christmas trees, elves, angels, ornaments The Nativity and more!
Print, and laminate this collection of festive Christmas playdough mats for your students to enjoy during the run-up to Christmas.
There are so many playdough mat templates to choose from, they’re guaranteed to keep your preschool, Kindergarten and EYFS-aged kids engaged and excited for the Big day!
Our Christmas playdough mats are perfect for all ability levels but are especially beneficial for students who need some creative inspiration or fine motor strength.
Best of all Christmas Playdough mats encourage a topic talk and will add a sprinkle of calm in all the end-of-term madness.
Related Posts: Super Quick No Cook Play Dough Recipe
Christmas Playdough Mats

0-30 Number Mats - Reindeer Them

Christmas Number Playdough Mats Collections

0-30 Number Mats - Gingerbread Theme

0-30 Number Mats - Christmas Tree Theme

0-30 Number Mats - Santa Theme
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