Chance and Data Activities

Statistics and Probability

Need Chance and Data Activities for your learners? You’re in the right place! These chance and data printables are hands-on and super engaging for kids. There’s so many concepts to learn in the chance and data strand including graphing, tables, tallies, yes or no questions and likely and unlikely events to name a few. These Chance and Data games and printables are the perfect addition to your teacher toolkit!

In the Statistics and Probability Strand students from Foundation To Year 6 will learn about Chance and Data. They are two separate components that are taught alongside each other and can easily be integrated into other learning areas, particularly Science.

Teaching Probability

When learning about Chance your students will need a range of probability activities to help them recognise that everyday events involve various degrees of chance. In the later years, this also includes chance games and experiments.

Teaching Probability includes:

  • Identifying outcomes of familiar events involving chance and describing them using everyday language such as ‘will happen’, ‘won’t happen’ or ‘might happen’
  • Identifying practical activities and everyday events that involve chance. Describing outcomes as ‘likely’ or ‘unlikely’ and identify some events as ‘certain’ or ‘impossible’
  • Conducting chance experiments, identifying and describing possible outcomes and recognising variation in results
  • Describing possible everyday events and ordering their chances of occurring
  • Listing outcomes of chance experiments involving equally likely outcomes and representing probabilities of those outcomes using fractions
  • Describing probabilities using fractions, decimals and percentages

Teaching Data

Data activities need to focus on helping to develop good questioning skills, collecting the correct data and being able to present, discuss, interpret and hypothesis about data in visual displays.

In the later years this also includes designing, conducting and presenting their own investigations.

Teaching Data includes:

  • Answering yes/no questions to collect information and make simple inferences
  • Representing data with objects and drawings where one object or drawing represents one data value. Describing the displays
  • Collecting data, organising it into categories and creating displays using lists, tables, picture graphs and simple column graphs, with and without the use of digital technologies
  • Constructing displays, including column graphs, dot plots and tables, appropriate for data type, with and without the use of digital technologies
  • Interpreting secondary data presented in digital media and elsewhere

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Click the images below to get the Chance and Data Activities…

Chance & Data Activities

Data Collection Activities
Data Collection Activities

Data & Graphs - Data Investigations

Teaching Chance & Probability Activities
Teaching Chance & Probability Activities

Statistics & Probability - Probability Activities

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