Skip Counting Online Games
Digi Skip Counting Games
Are you ready to hop, skip, and jump into the world of skip counting? Look no further than our collection of exciting Skip Counting Online Games! We know that teaching skip counting can sometimes be a challenge, but with these interactive games, your students will be counting like pros while having a blast. So, let’s dive in and discover the importance of skip counting, why we teach it, and how it applies to real-life situations
Why Teach Skip Counting?
Skip counting is not just about counting by twos, fives, or tens; it’s a valuable skill that builds fluency and number sense in young learners. Here’s why incorporating skip counting into your lessons is a game-changer:
- Fluency-Building: Skip counting helps students develop fluency in number sequences. It strengthens their understanding of number patterns and promotes mental math skills.
- Multiplication Foundation: Skip counting lays the foundation for multiplication. By counting in multiples, students gain a deeper understanding of the concept of multiplication and can solve multiplication problems more efficiently.
- Number Sense: Skip counting enhances students’ number sense by improving their ability to recognize and predict numerical patterns. It helps them grasp the relationship between numbers and develop a stronger sense of numerical magnitude.
- Problem-Solving: Skip counting equips students with problem-solving skills. It allows them to approach mathematical tasks creatively, make connections, and think critically when working with numbers.
Skip Counting in Real-Life Situations:
Skip counting goes beyond the classroom—it’s a skill that finds practical applications in various real-life situations. Here are a few examples:
- Counting Money: Skip counting is useful for counting coins and calculating amounts. By skip counting by 5s or 10s, students can quickly determine the total value of a collection of coins.
- Measuring and Estimating: Skip counting is handy for measuring and estimating. By skip counting, students can estimate distances or quantities more efficiently, making their everyday tasks more manageable.
- Music and Rhythm: Skip counting is connected to rhythm and music. Musicians often count beats and rhythms using skip-counting patterns to stay in sync with the music.
Engaging Skip Counting Online Games
Now, let’s dive into the exciting part—our collection of Skip Counting Online Games! These games are designed to make learning skip counting interactive, engaging, and fun. From animated visuals and catchy tunes to interactive challenges and rewards, they’ll keep your students motivated and entertained while building their fluency in skip counting.
How To Play Online Skip Counting Games
To play these games you will need:
- an internet connection & modern browser, we suggest Google Chrome
- a digital device like an iPad, interactive whiteboard, laptop or PC
- the Student Password to share with your students. Note – Only PAID Premium members will be able to access this Student Password
To get the Password To Share With Students:
- Log into your account & click the Students Password link in your account
- or Go To The Student Password Page
How to use the QR Code Below
We know getting a class full of students to play the right games can be tricky so we have made it easy for them all to be in the right place at the right time with a QR Code. Simply display this page on your interactive whiteboard and get your students to scan the QR Code below. Once they scan it all the students will be directed to this skip counting games page and the online games you want them to play! Nifty!

Use the QR Code to help organise your students.
- Display this page on your interactive whiteboard
- Give your students the “Student Access Password”
- Students scan the QR Code with their device to get to this list of Skip Counting Games
- Students then Click the image of the game to play
Click the images to play Online Skip Counting Games


Skip Count By 4 up tp 1000

Skip Count By 3 up to 1000

Skip Count by 5 up to 1000

Skip Count by 2 up to 1000

Skip Count Sequences 2's-12's

Skip Count 5c coins

Skip Count By 5c coins

Skip Count By 3 (3-60)

Skip Count By 2

Skip Count By 2

Skip Count By 2 (2-40)
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