More and Less Activities

Number Sense

Are you looking for fun and engaging More and Less Activities for your classroom? Teaching the concept of More and Less is a fundamental math skill that students need to learn.

Whether you’re a seasoned teacher or a new one, these ideas are sure to get your students excited about learning math!

In this blog post, we will share five exciting activity ideas that you can use to teach the More and Less concept to your students.

But before we dive into the activities, let’s understand the concept of More and Less.

What is more and less?

The concept of more and less is a fundamental math concept that is crucial for students to understand before they can move on to more advanced topics. It refers to the comparison of two or more objects, quantities or numbers.

Students learn that when we compare two objects, one will have more of something, and the other will have less.

How to teach more and less

Teaching the concept of more and less can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be boring!  Here are some effective strategies for teaching this concept:

1. Use manipulatives: One of the best ways to teach the concept of more and less is to use concrete objects or manipulatives. For example, you can use blocks or counters to show students how adding more blocks results in more, while removing blocks results in less.

2. Comparing sets: Comparing sets is another effective strategy for teaching more and less. You can ask students to compare two sets of objects and identify which one has more or less. You can also use visual aids like pictures or diagrams to reinforce this concept.

3. Real-life examples: Real-life examples can be a great way to help students understand the concept of more and less. For example, you can use scenarios like “There are more girls than boys in the class” or “There are less apples than bananas in the basket.”

4. Number lines: Number lines are another great tool for teaching more and less. You can draw a number line on the board or use a physical number line and ask students to identify which numbers are more or less.

5. Games and activities: There are many fun and engaging games and activities that can help reinforce the concept of more and less. For example, you can play a game of “More or Less Bingo” where students have to identify whether a number is more or less than the number on their bingo card.

By using these ideas and our teaching resources to help your students understand the concept of more and less in a way that is meaningful and memorable.

Comparing More and Less Activities

Comparing More & Less - Bento Boxes - 10

Comparing More & Less - Bento Boxes - 10

Foundation - Year 1 - Counting & Comparing 0-30 - PDF

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Comparing More & Less - Bento Boxes - 20

Comparing More & Less - Bento Boxes - 20

Foundation - Year 1 - Counting & Comparing 0-30 - PDF

This content is available on our paid plans. Upgrade now to download this resource.
Comparing More & Less - Bento Boxes - 30

Comparing More & Less - Bento Boxes - 30

Foundation - Year 1 - Counting & Comparing 0-30 - PDF

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Easter Maths 1 More 1 Less Game

Easter Maths 1 More 1 Less Game

Year 1 - Year 2- Number Sense - PDF

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Easter Maths 10 More 10 Less Game

Easter Maths 10 More 10 Less Game

Foundation to Year 3 - Number Sense - PDF

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Teen Numbers - Count & Build 1 More & 1 Less Mats - Construction Theme

Teen Numbers - Count & Build 1 More & 1 Less Mats - Construction Theme

Foundation - Year 1 - Teen Numbers - PDF

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Teen Numbers - Spin & Build 1 More & 1 Less Mats - Construction Theme

Teen Numbers - Spin & Build 1 More & 1 Less Mats - Construction Theme

Foundation - Year 1 - Teen Numbers - PDF

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1 More 1 Less Numbers to 200 Dogs

1 More 1 Less Numbers to 200 Dogs

Foundation - Year 1 - Number Sense - Zip PDF

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