Fry’s Sight Words Activities
Reading Resources
These Fry’s Sight Words Activities are perfect for building pre-reading skills for your young readers. Fun, engaging teaching resources to help kids learn their first sight words!
Sight words, or high frequency words, as they are sometimes known, are the most commonly used words that young children are taught and memorise.
This is so that they can automatically recognise these words while reading without having to use decoding strategies.
Knowing sight words allows students to maintain speed and fluency while reading, which is needed to comprehend a text.
Sight Words are a list of words that appear on almost any page of text. They are often know as 100 common used words, or ‘magic’ 100 sight words, and are required to support the development of reading.
There are many sight word lists and programs, all with sight words that are appropriate for the reading ability of the student.
They include words that are difficult to spell or sound out, like:
- who
- the
- he
- were
- does
- their
- me
- be
learning Sight Words, as part of a Phonics literacy program, is a critical part of the reading process. Just know that memorising high-frequency words is not the only piece in the learning-to-read puzzle. And learning sight words alone or in isolation will not help your kids learn to read.
Knowing Sight words or being able to automatically recognise, pronounce, and understand words in context will help students to read with accuracy and fluency, which in turn builds comprehension.
So teaching Sight Words is pretty important to producing successful Readers!
Fry’s Sight Words
There are literally hundreds of Sight Words on the Fry’s High Frequency list! We have split them into more manageable lists which we have used in our resources.
FEED Me Fun Sight Word Games
This set of” Feed Me” Fun Sight Word Activities is for the most common 100 words (Magic M100W). These activities contain words from the sight lists above.
These games are perfect for any situation, whole class, literacy centres, independent work, morning work and early finishers. They can even be sent home!
The packs contain several parts that can be used as suggested or however you like! Get Creative!
We’ve separated & grouped the words into lists 1,2,3, lists 4 & 5, List 6 & 7. this is to keep the file sizes down. You’ll find lists for each “Feed Me animal together so you can easily download what you want.
Here’s what’s included:
- Say it, Make it, Spell it, Write it! “Feed Me” activity centre
- Sight word lists for fast recall, display or to send home to parents
- Sight word flashcards, for play trays, salt writing, sensory bins, swat games, displays, fast recall or sending home
- 2 B&W Student sheets, one for checking off the memorised words, and one for tracing the words
Resources listed in this collection
Click to jump to...Fry's Sight Words List Activities - Shark
Fry's Sight Words List Activities - Koala
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