Dinosaur Subitising Activities
Number Sense
Super fun and educational Dinosaur Subitising Activities to help your EYFS students learn how to “see how many, at a glance without counting!” A stack of dinosaur-themed subitising Games, Clipcards, Playdough Mats, Flash Cards and more for teaching perceptual and conceptual subitising with ease.
These Dinosaur themed subitising activities and teaching resources have been carefully created to nurture and develop the ability of Kindergarten, Preprimary & Preschool aged students to “see how many in a group without counting”; or subitise (subitize).
It would be easy for children to count to find the answer to questions of “how many?” So it’s important to remember that Subitising is the ability to “See without counting”, and children need to be encouraged to do this and NOT COUNT how many are in a collection; if they are to develop this early number sense skill.
There are 3 key learning points that you need to include when teaching children subitising, including teaching them to:
- Recognise the number of items in a small collection without counting
- Use subitising to order groups of objects
- Use subitising to compare collections
Want to know more about How to teach subitising? check out our post: Subitising Teacher Basics in this post you will find the answers to all your questions about teaching subitising:
- Why subitising is important?
- How do you teach subitising?
- What is the difference between perceptual and conceptual subitising?
- Where should your start?
Read more here
Dinosaur Subitising Activities
Below you will find the A Plus Teacher Club dinosaur-themed subitising resources including flashcards, printables, clip cards, bingo games and more. They are so versatile and can be used with the whole class, in small groups or in independent learning sessions.
These games are DUAL Spelling – each pack includes “subitise” and “subitize” versions.
Don’t want dinosaur-themed subitising teaching resources? Don’t worry we have other themes available, see the bottom of the page for links.
Resources listed in this collection
Click to jump to...Subitising Activities
More Number Resources 0-20

Number Before / After / Between - 1-20

Maths Task Cards - Numbers to 20

0-30 Number Mats - Gumballs

Math Tools - 2 Colour Counters

Counting Principles - one-to-one correspondence

Number Order Sequence 0-20

Halloween - Numbers 0-20

0-30 Number Mats - 3 Bears

0-30 Number Mats - Aboriginal Symbols

Subitising - Unicorn Theme

Teen Numbers - Construction Theme
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