CVCV Long o Family Interactive Phonics Games

Digi Literacy Resources

Get ready to dive into the world of CVCV Long o Family Interactive Phonics Games! If you’re looking for engaging and effective ways to teach long o word families, you’ve come to the right place. These interactive online games are designed to make learning phonics a breeze while keeping the fun factor high. Let’s embark on an exciting journey through the land of long o words and discover how these games can transform your phonics lessons into epic adventures!

In these CVCV Long o Family Interactive Phonics Games, your students will explore a variety of word families, including -oat, -oke, -one, -ole, and more. With each game, they’ll develop their phonemic awareness, spelling skills, and word recognition abilities. The best part? It all happens in an interactive and engaging digital environment that will have your students begging for more!

With these CVCV Long O Family Interactive Phonics Games, teaching long o word families has never been more engaging and effective. Your students will develop essential phonics skills, expand their vocabulary, and build confidence in their reading and spelling abilities. So, get ready to embark on a phonics adventure like no other – it’s time to level up your teaching with these interactive games!

How To Play

To play these games you will need:

  • an internet connection & modern browser, we suggest Google Chrome
  • a digital device like an iPad, interactive whiteboard, laptop or PC
  • the Student Password to share with your students. Note – Only PAID Premium members will be able to access this Student Password

To get the Password To Share With Students:

How to use the QR Code Below

We know getting a class full of students to play the right games can be tricky so we have made it easy for them all to be in the right place at the right time with a QR Code. Simply display this page on your interactive whiteboard and get your students to scan the QR Code below. Once they scan it all the students will be directed to this page and the Long o online phonics games you want them to play! Nifty!

Use the QR Code to help organise your students.

  • Display this page on your interactive whiteboard
  • Give your students the “Student Access Password”
  • Students scan the QR Code with their device to get to this list of Games
  • Students then Click the image of the game to play

Long o Word List

Here are the Long o words are used in our online games:

-one words
bone, cone, lone, one, tone, zone
-ole words
hole, mole, pole, role, sole
-ose words
hose, nose, pose, rose
-oke words
coke, joke, poke, woke
-ote words
note, tote, vote
-ove words
cove, dove, wove

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