Connecting Fractions, Percentages, Decimals
Fractions Decimals & Percentages
Are you a 5th or 6th-grade math teacher struggling to connect fractions, percentages, and decimals for your students? Look no further than our Connecting Fractions, Percentages, Decimals printables! These engaging resources will make math centres a blast while helping your students understand the complex relationship between fractions, decimals, and percentages.
While it may seem like a simple concept, connecting fractions, decimals, and percentages requires a strong foundation of prior knowledge and understanding of fractions and decimals. Research shows that students often struggle with numbers less than one because they are not as prevalent in our daily lives, according to Professor Jo Boaler.
Importance Of Focussing On Fractions Before Decimals & Percentages
Most students will tell you that fractions decimals and percentages are ways to show the same thing. But that’s as much as they can explain.
When this happens chances are they really need to revisit earlier fraction reasoning and place value concepts. And if I were to gamble I’d guess that they need to revise earlier outcomes in Year 4 & Year 5 that focus on the ideas that:
- The place value system can be extended to tenths and hundredths
- Make connections between fractions and decimal notation
- Understand the 10 times (divide by 10 or multiply by 10) bigger and 10 times smaller understanding
Students often ‘see’ decimals and percentages as whole numbers when reasoning. Even though they can show that they are parts of a whole in diagrams.
When this happens the student has actually lost the ability to see the relationship between the whole and the parts of that whole in their reasoning.
In the classroom, these are the students who incorrectly identify which is the biggest number 0.25 or 0.125.
To combat this, try using real-life examples like money and measurement activities to demonstrate how decimals are parts of a whole. With these resources, your students will develop the ability to reason about the relationship between the whole and the parts of that whole. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to fun and effective math learning!
Related Post: 20 Children’s Books To Make Fractions FUN!
Helping Students Learn Fractions {Do This For Awesome Results!}
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