bl Consonant Blends Activities
Phonics, Spelling, & Grammar Resources
Need phonics resources? You’re in the right place. Download these bl Consonant Blends Activities printables, Games, worksheets and hands-on activities if you’re looking to keep your EYFS and first-grade learners engaged. Our phonics blending games and resources are guaranteed to inspire your teaching and your students!
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So what are Blends?
Consonant blends consist of two or more consonants that are blended together. They are different from digraphs because you can still hear each sound of the two letters in the word, for example; black and mist.
Just like digraphs there are beginning consonant blends and final consonant blends.
The beginning consonant blends are blends that appear at the beginning of a word, such as brick and clay.
The most common beginning consonant blends include: bl, br, cl, cr, dr, fr, tr, fl, gl, gr, pl, pr, sl, sm, sp and st.
Blends can also be found at the end of words for example; task and bend.
There are also blends which contain three consonants, for example; str, spl, and spr.
When teaching blends, most teachers make it easier for students by introducing blends in families or groups. For example, l-blends including; bl, cl, fl, gl, pl and sl) and r-blends etc…
l Consonant Blends Word List
Click to see a list of the words in each blend family. l blend words can be found at the end of words or a syllable. There are a ton of blends, but remember that kids don’t need to memorise them all, they just need to know how to blend the sounds together!
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